The result indicates that laser irradiation can move the oxygen dissociation curve of red blood cell toward the left direction, at some conditions. 与对照组相比,在一定条件下,激光照射能使红细胞的氧解离曲线向左偏移。
Relationships between factors affecting hemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve and habitats of three frogs from Kunming 三种蛙血红蛋白氧解离曲线影响因子及与栖境的关系
First of all, control experiments were carried out to investigate the influence of low level laser irradiation on oxygen dissociation curve of red blood cell, and on oxygenating process of blood. 首先,通过进行对照实验研究了弱激光的照射对血液的氧合过程和红细胞氧解离曲线的影响。
Factors Affecting the Oxygen Dissociation Curve in Diabetes 影响糖尿病人氧合解离曲线及氧气运输的因素